Exactly, and I recommend any heavier duty part(s) be installed with the V8 - I don't yet know specifically which parts fall in that category, because, as I indicated, this is food for thought, which is thinking out loud in the planning stages - any constructive input is therefore appreciated - I've been turbocharging gasoline-fueled engines since back in the '60's, when most people couldn't even spell turbocharger, much less know what one is - but, again, I do not as yet know all the particulars of the KJ chassis\drivetrain - only that DCJ usually designs, or modifies to heavier-duty, parts for heavier engines, same for more powerful engines - and, they thoughfully provide wiring harnesses with include optional upgrades
So - a turbocharger is free power, no engine loading - a supercharger is constant engine loading, requiring ever more overhead as power increases - therefore, if anyone has specific facts and numbers vis a vis the supercharged 3.7L piston failures, it will be very helpful in determining reliability for turbocharging - 'nuther words, hearsay isn't helpful, as even eyewitness accounts vary considerably