Recent content by SilverRT

  1. S


    Also as I look for an engine are there any years that were better than other for the 2.8L CRD?
  2. S


    Thanks for all the responses. So if im sticking with everything stock all I should have to swap out is Engine, Trans and computer-ECU, PCM or what ever they are calling them in the Nitro's. Right?
  3. S


    That's what I was thinking, do you know if the CRD that's in the Liberty is the same one they use in the CRD Nitro's in the UK? From what I can tell it is, but I guess it would still be completly different.
  4. S


    Hello to all Liberty guru's, I am but a Dodge Nitro owner seeking some help... I asked on my Nitro forums and no one had an input in the matter and it seems that no one (in my forum) has attempted to do it. Now on to the point. I am wanting to put a CRD into my Nitro, but I am not sure if...