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      Paddlerdan replied to the thread To the audiophiles.
      I wish to use the infinity speakers with attached amps in an '98 XJ. They worked great last time I used them in my KJ. So the question...
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      Paddlerdan reacted to nbas's post in the thread To the audiophiles with Like Like.
      The infinity system has amps on the front door speakers. If you want to use new amps, you will have to use new cabling from the battery...
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      Paddlerdan reacted to KJowner's post in the thread To the audiophiles with Haha Haha.
      It's bad enough on the road, I use my phone for sat nav, it always finishes up under the passenger seat!
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      Paddlerdan replied to the thread To the audiophiles.
      A reminder, I plan on using these in my '98 XJ. Stock harness, I assume that's why I asked about the wiring. The XJ came with an...
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      Paddlerdan reacted to PKKJ's post in the thread To the audiophiles with Like Like.
      No special cabling. The power amp is connected to the speaker. It sits on top of the speaker and they are joined together to the door. I...
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      Paddlerdan replied to the thread To the audiophiles.
      Thanks for the info. Last I drove the car the speakers sounded great. Blasting to CCR & The Stones. Reminded me of the stuff the kids...
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      Paddlerdan reacted to KJowner's post in the thread To the audiophiles with Like Like.
      We don't do flames on here, we are all too old and worn to care! I've not had mine in bits but I guess the amps are going to need 12v...
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      Paddlerdan replied to the thread To the audiophiles.
      Thanks guys. Do I need to run heavy gauge speaker wire considering the amps are on the back? Or is there a separate power wire. I've...
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      Paddlerdan posted the thread To the audiophiles in How To.
      I'm junking a 2002 Limited with the infinity speakers. Id like to save them for my '98 XJ. What can I do to make this work? The speakers...
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