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  1. D

    KJ keeps fending off Grand Cherokee

    Hi all, I have been lurking and having a good long test drive with two different Grand Cherokees, 13 and my current a 14, Jeep for some bizarre reason wants to have the flagship look like a Buick Enclave. It may seem strange to compare the two vehicles the 04 Liberty and the 13 GC, but they are...
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    Jeep Ownership after 15months

    Hi all, I thought I would chime in with some thoughts of owning this wonderful jeep product. When I was looking for a vehicle Jeep was not even on my wish list. I orginally was looking for a Chevy Blazer but the engine did not give me confidence to continue. From the list to choose I...
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    TPMS question

    I have a 04 Liberty Renegade that after 8 model years, the batteries in the Tire sensors are starting to wear out especially here in the minus 20 to 30 days and nights. I ordered 5 new ones from Rockauto and no problems there but when I got them, I wondered if they were already transmitting a...
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    2004 Liberty EVIC issue

    Before I go tearing into the myraid of FSM's for my 2004 Renegade, maybe I can get the answer I need here first. While Driving, my evic will switch between metric and US, there does not seem to be any outside forces that cause this, as it is random, nothing else changes however, the mpg/l/100km...