Recent content by UOGod619

  1. UOGod619

    Post your KK pics here!

    This is my 2k11 KK, brilliant black, 4x4 Limited. I wish to customize it so if anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it. Send me a message anytime.
  2. UOGod619


    late but in the NOVA area aswell.
  3. UOGod619

    Pictures of your KK with aftermarket Tires/Wheels!!

    @ap80108 your jeep looks like how I imagine mine being. The only difference is the wheels. I want to put on some XD Series Rockstar (Series XD775) Matte Black - 18 x 9 Inch Wheel. May I ask if you did the light tints by yourself through film or through spray tint? Have you encountered any...