I am trying to figure out why they may put it on wrong. Some places say it may make one component to another turn the wrong way, but I don't think that is possible. And it wouldn't be the intended result they would have in putting it on wrong.
They may be trying to put less tension on the belt that way. Because something was squeaking. Or they just didn't know the right way.
What I'm trying to decide now is, when I'm draining and refilling and installing the new belt, should I also replace the water pump? And, if so, with which one? The Mopar is $160 which is too much and probably not that much better that the cheap replacement ones. But. Which cheap replacement one? Auto Zone, O'Reilly, NAPA, TRQ from AI Auto? $60 to $80 for those, all made in China, all with metal impellers rather than plastic on the Mopar.
Any ideas?