You obviously misunderstood me, I did not bypass, ie. disable the airbag connection....I just made sure that I had a good connection! The plug I am refering to is a male/female (obviously) four pin plug that sits,as I said, just above the steering column behind the panel that you smack your knees on. In my case I could measure that some of these male/female connections within this connector were not making good contact so I effectively marked which wire went to which wire (they changed colour from the male side to the female side), cut off the connectors and wrapped and soldered and insulated the appropiate wires together so as so make a permanent connection. It is interesting to note that the plug going up to the actual airbag has a solid metal plate that shorts all of the connectors positions together the instant the male/female sections are pulled apart..obviously to short out the airbag from possible external static or wrong connection that could trigger the airbag to go off the instant you pull the two halves of the connector apart. As I said, it could also be your clockspring or a connector from one of the other airbags that is loose, not just the drivers' airbag connector which is what I am describing here! If you cannot get the airbag light to flicker when you jiggle this to take it to a dealer to find the problem!