TRI-STAR reman engines stink on ice.
Rule #1 about engine replacement:
BUY A TRISTAR reman engine (Autozone).
Tristar is owned by LKQ, so never, ever buy anything from LKQ either. Here's their marketing whoop-de-do about Tristar being their "Crown Jewel":
1st block was fried in the 1st 200 miles due to a bad oil pump which overheated and roached the block. At this point I'm out the labor costs for installation, and I have to pony up another 20 shop hours of labor charges to install the 2nd engine. Didn't even get to 10K miles and the 2nd engine needs a valve job for another whopping 10 shop hours of labor charges.
I'm sure there are reputable reman companies out there and this web site has recommendations, so choose wisely. I dodn't have a choice because I trusted the initial install to a garage run by thieves and now I'm stuck with this nightmare.
I'm going to spend the $1500 to have this work done, but if anything else goes wrong with this piece of garbage engine the KJ is getting turned into a coffee table pedastal.
Rule #1 about engine replacement:
BUY A TRISTAR reman engine (Autozone).
Tristar is owned by LKQ, so never, ever buy anything from LKQ either. Here's their marketing whoop-de-do about Tristar being their "Crown Jewel":

Tri Star - LKQ Corp
Tri Star Engines is the newest jewel in LKQ’s remanufacturing crown. Family owned and operated for more than 35 years – with the second generation now guiding the business on behalf of LKQ. Tri Star has been America’s trusted supplier of OE replacement engines, marine replacement engines and...

1st block was fried in the 1st 200 miles due to a bad oil pump which overheated and roached the block. At this point I'm out the labor costs for installation, and I have to pony up another 20 shop hours of labor charges to install the 2nd engine. Didn't even get to 10K miles and the 2nd engine needs a valve job for another whopping 10 shop hours of labor charges.
I'm sure there are reputable reman companies out there and this web site has recommendations, so choose wisely. I dodn't have a choice because I trusted the initial install to a garage run by thieves and now I'm stuck with this nightmare.
I'm going to spend the $1500 to have this work done, but if anything else goes wrong with this piece of garbage engine the KJ is getting turned into a coffee table pedastal.