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  1. H

    No low beams, gages, tail lights, EVIC, dome lights not working

    I did... Still nothing ty tho
  2. H

    No low beams, gages, tail lights, EVIC, dome lights not working

    My low beams, gages, tail lights, EVIC, dome lights are not working. The odometer lights up, the lower entry lights come on, radio goes into cd change mode, but not display, high beams work when lever is pulled, but won't engage in the hold position, brake lights work, turn signals work, back up...
  3. H

    2 threaded holes on the back of the cylinder block

    Thanks... I happened to have some 8 guage copper strand that I decided to use, and bought some 6 guage to add to the battery grounds. In the process of doing so, I noticed a potential culprit to grounding issues. The grounds were connected to the chasis, but it appears to have been only after...
  4. H

    2005 Liberty Sport Parasitic Draw Issue

    Problem with that is every time you disconnect, the ecu resets, so if there are any other issues that come up, you'll not know. Besides that, I know jeeps and they're temperamental when it comes to inconsistent readings from the ecu due to the resets. Just sayin... I have a Grand Cherokee...
  5. H

    2 threaded holes on the back of the cylinder block

    Question I'm limited with accessible wire, will any metal worl as ground, temporarily?
  6. H

    2 threaded holes on the back of the cylinder block

    Thank you so much! Great ideas! Phewww I might be able to quit using a jumper box every time I need to start it...
  7. H

    2005 Liberty Sport Parasitic Draw Issue

    Lol I'm loving this! I'm having the same issue, as well as another, and found both posted on this forum, and both recently! I've scoured the net for months looking too! Hope someone has some direction... ;)
  8. H

    2 threaded holes on the back of the cylinder block

    Can anyone tell me if there's anything I can use to clean those grounds, aside from removing? I'm having starting issues which I believe have to to with the grounding, however, I'm don't have access to all my tools, (jack, jack stands etc)or at a place where it's possible to actually do it...