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  1. I

    Oh My first..

    Big door ding has been discovered! I have had my Liberty over 2 years and taken so great care not to park by that crappy 2 door POS in the parking lot right by the door... and it doesn't matter. I have a HUGE ding on my drivers side door. I bet I got it at the grocery store.. who knows how longs...
  2. I

    Spare Tire Cover

    Right now mine just says Jeep Liberty and is black. Does anyone have any cool ones? I like the smiley face ones with the bandanna but he's a boy, I don't have facial hair like the smiley face. I have also seen one in a magazine that says "life is good" that I thought was cute. What do you guys have?
  3. I

    Hello! I have been a lurker.. now I will join!

    Hello! I have been lurking around since the big recall scare of 2006. I swear no one knows what's going on in the world of news but I had a thousand people know that I drove a Liberty and there was a big recall so I came here for more info. Thanks! Anyways, just wanted to introduce myself. My...