Recent content by Mark_Annap_MD

  1. M

    Mice chewed through wiring harness

    Update. Was able to get most of the wires back together with just some busted knuckles. With the help of a friend we were able to reach a reasonable conclusion that the diagram on page 8W-15-2 is correct and all four of the black wires are grounds, going to the same ground. Spliced those back...
  2. M

    Mice chewed through wiring harness

    Thanks all for the quick responses. I think I found the correct diagram 8W-15-2 Ground Distribution Gas, which shows two black with grey stripes coming from the Data link connector and two black with blue stripes coming from the Powertrain Control module. This could explain why the ODB doesn't...
  3. M

    Mice chewed through wiring harness

    Looking for some help figuring out how to trace down wiring diagram for 2003 Jeep Liberty Sport 3.7L. Mice chewed through the wiring harness right beside the master cylinder (see pic). There are 4 black wires that are cut and large chunks missing so it isn't obvious which ones connect. Two...